What also comes with spring, for university students, are the club fairs. I decided to join a few more, and it seems like I've met a lot of great people in a short amount of time. I also went to an OB会 (Old Boy Party; a party for former members of a university club) for the boxing club last night. At that party, I realized the weight of my position and the history that exists in the club I'm apart of. They gave me a lot of encouragement, and I felt honored to be given the responsibility of carrying on something that seemed so precious to these people during their time at the University. It's funny, but when I see all these older Japanese men and women sitting together I like to imagine them in their youth fighting their hearts out in the gym. It must've been something really great back then, for after so many years they still get together and reminisce about who's hands were the heaviest, and who's were the fastest. The other clubs I joined, albeit younger, all have a lot of feeling invested into it. It's really something, University club life in Japan. I'm not sure if it works, or could work, in Western universities the way it does here, but it's something I am very grateful to be apart of. Finally, after more than 6 months, this feels like it's starting to turn into the experience I want it to be. To think I'd be leaving as soon as August is difficult to imagine.
In fact, I won't imagine it.
I intend to transfer to Sophia University. I've begun to make a life here and I simply cannot let this experience end so soon.
There's a lot that'll have to be worked out from here on. Applications, financial issues, etc. But I have great confidence that this is the correct decision.
So, here's to the next step!
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