Saturday, January 24, 2009

In the meantime

As my first term comes to an end sometimes I wonder where all the time went, and sometimes I wonder why the days aren't moving.

As far as sightseeing goes, I went to Hiroshima and Miya jima for a couple days. It happened to snow during the first part of our tour at Hiroshima. I remember some mixed feelings. Shame, regret, and empathy. The atmosphere in Hiroshima some how feels heavier. There are very few spots in this world where human tragedies of such magnitude have occured, so there's something inexplicable about the feeling that invades you when you enter the 平和記念公園 (Peace Memorial Park). The falling snow and bitter cold added to the effect.

Aside from that, time itself has continued. I sometimes forget that I'm here, and sometimes remember that I don't look too much like everyone else.

From December on, I met and lost a girl, started talking to Bach again, and began putting back the effort into boxing that it needs.

My boxing practice is kind of a strange scene. Only on Saturdays do I have a regularly have someone to come and train me and recently none of the other members (including the club captain or whatever) come to train. During the weekday sessions, I pull out the equipment myself. Sandbag, gloves, etc... and do just about the same routine I worked on in the states. The only difference is I'm sharing a room with the girl's hip-hop dance team, G-splash. So, while I'm pounding away at the bags, getting sweaty as hell, there's anywhere between 10-15 or so Japanese girls practicing their dance moves next to me. I'm not sure how they feel about it, and I try to ignore them while I get to business. But every now and then I look over and feel somewhat bashful... I wonder if they recognize me around campus now.

I'll be spending the nearly 2 month long spring break in a Guest House for foreigners. From there on I'll be fighting the good fight against poverty, idleness, and the various oddities this country has thrown at me. I'll also be playing two shows in early February. I'll be getting a peek at the DIY scene here in Japan. I promise a long, book sized entry in the near future regarding that and other things...